Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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A Tool to assist you in creating your own Reality

affirmation gentle reflection Jun 16, 2023

Our thoughts and emotions create our daily experiences. There are two important times of the day that can have the greatest impact on our daily experience. How you greet your day is how you will live your day, begin living the day you plan to experience from the moment you open your eyes. For instance, I greet my day by requesting God to go before me and work through me the moment I open my eyes. A step further I request to be a vessel of Love, Light and Healing Energy and begin visualizing how I see my day playing out. I encourage you to develop your own affirmation and intentions to set the tone for your day and see your day as you wish to experience it.

At the close of your day as you are getting ready to drift off to sleep, imagine life as you wish to live it. Allow your imagination to paint a picture as though it is your reality, the here and now. Personally, I think about my life vision and how to achieve it coming from a place of deep Inner Peace, Harmony and Immense Love for all. What a wonderful way to drift off to sleep. Again, I encourage you to think of your ideal life vision and dream yourself to a good nights rest.

Claiming Harmony in my Life Vision,


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