Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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Are you too busy to meditate?

meditation Jun 16, 2023

Practicing meditation has been proven to reduce stress, boost immunity, increase happiness, and lower blood pressure. Developing such a practice can help you to listen and focus better, think clearly, and be more aware and therefore grateful for every moment.

Even with all this proof, why is it so hard to get started and maintain a practice? Because we think we are too busy to take the time. We strive to prove to ourselves that spending time in meditation is the most beneficial use of our time. When we come from a place of calm and a centered mindset, we are more effective in handling our busy lives and keeping everything in perspective. If spending those few extra minutes of silence means less time feeling anxious, panicky, and overwhelmed, then it is certainly worth the extra time.

Join me in starting or coming back to your meditation practice before spring has sprung! I am joyfully waiting to assist you in experiencing your own inner peace, balance, and clarity. Check out the current schedule.

If you want to start and none of the existing times work for you, please let me know as private classes are also available.

Calmly Centered and Filled with Clarity,


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